are true multitasking artists who expertly master the art to listen, translate and voice the translated content all at once. With the HD-SDI transmission, too, additional data such as 16 frame synchronous digital audio channels (AES-3 according to SMPTE 272M and 299M), timecode control data and error checking packages may be embedded alongside the 1080p high-resolution video signal transfer. This will spare you extra audio or control lines. For the high 3G-SDI bandwidths (2.97 Gbit/s according to SMPTE 424M), our 3G-SDI cable series is the perfect means of transport. Ultra-low damping values below 30 dB @ 2.97 Gbit/s are provided by
the large 1.6 OFC inner conductor with its special gas injected skin-foamskin insulation plus dual shielding. The solid wire version is the perfect choice for professional media-technical installations in TV studios and broadcasting vans, while the reelable wire version can shine at mobile transmissions with its flexible benefits.