MSR Gold™ 1000 MiniFastFit High perceived brightness

MSR Gold™ 1000 MiniFastFit

High perceived brightness

Varenr: 928171405115
2 986,-eks. mva
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MSR GoldTM MiniFastFit (Touring/ Stage)

MSR GoldTM 1000 MiniFastFit

Thanks to the specially designed lamp base, the MSR GoldTM MiniFastFit takes just seconds to replace, to help ensure non-stop clubbing entertainment. In addition, the innovative gold plated pins ensure excellent current transfer to prolong lamp and lamp holder lifetimes and thereby reduce lamp replacement costs. Easy handling and small compact fixture designs are allowed by the lamps compact size, while the very short arc provides a high perceived brightness and high beam intensity.

Warnings and Safety

• A lamp breaking is extremely unlikely to have any impact on your health. If a lamp breaks, ventilate the room for 30 minutes and remove the parts, preferably with gloves. Put them in a sealed plastic bag and take it to your local waste facilities for recycling. Do not use a vacuum cleaner.

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