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StudioTakTM is a self-adhesive instant stage and studio floor which has been specifically designed and manufactured for the film, TV and photography Studio/Set Designer. Easy to use and visually stunning, simply remove the backing liner and apply to give an outstanding smooth finish.

StudioTakTM Studio Floor has been used for over 20 years in the professional film and TV industry and more recently for fashion, retail shows and exhibitions to provide an instant show floor without time consuming floor paints.

Available in both gloss and matt colours and a variety of adhesive strengths. StudioTakTM Studio Flooring is ideal for use in an endless list of applications from stage and set to fashion shows and shop window displays. Simply remove the backing liner and apply.

OBS: High TAK Permanent vinyl sitter meget godt fast i underlaget så dette må ikke bli liggende over lang tid, vi anbefaler å lage sponplategulv der man legger High TAK på hvis det er ønskelig med gjenbruk av gulvet.

Teknisk info


Bredde x Lengde 1220mm x 50m
Farge Lys blå
