Photoluminescent ‘Glow’ Tape Glow in the dark tape 20mmx10m Photoluminescent ‘Glow’ Tape Glow in the dark tape 20mmx10m Photoluminescent ‘Glow’ Tape Glow in the dark tape 20mmx10m

Photoluminescent ‘Glow’ Tape

Glow in the dark tape 20mmx10m

Varenr: PROGLOW2010
330,-eks. mva
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Ubekreftet 27.03.2025
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Photoluminescent ‘Glow’ Tape




High quality, photoluminesent ‘glow in the dark’ tape



  • Photoluminescent glow in the dark tape
  • Charge from almost any light source
  • Self-adhesive backing
  • Uses zero electricity
  • Flexible

Pro Glow has a non-radioactive chemical light source incorporated into a flexible vinyl film that glows in total darkness after exposure to artificial or natural light. The photoluminescent film light source is designed to absorb energy from any nearby ambient light such as fluorescent lamps or sunlight. Once the source of extraneous light is removed, Pro Glow film temporarily emits a light of its own.






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