Kraftige skjøtekabler med gode strekkavlastere som sikrer mange års drift. Dette er skjøtekabel i bransjestandard som event og konsertindustrien bruker, våre kabler har også klar krypeplast for merking med firmanavn, logo eller type.
You won‘t make a mistake...if you go with the flow, for the H07RN-F rubber jacket lead is one of the best-selling cables on the world market. It can be used as a power line for audio components, spotlights and heavy machinery (mechanical engineering) and outdoors as well. This cable is very robust, highly flexible and has an extremely wear-resistant and durable Polychloropene jacket.
Advantages: Extremely dependable due to flame-retardant Polychloropene jacket(polychloroprene rubber)Very flexible owing to fine wire stranding in compliance with VDE 0293Also suitable for outdoor use
Application: Power lead for all types of electrical appliancesAudio technology (light dimmers, spotlights, amplifiers, racks ...)Mechanical engineering and agricultural machinery