aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane aQtube™ Acoustic System Flexible absorption membrane

aQtube™ Acoustic System

Flexible absorption membrane

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Variable room acoustics can be efficiently and effectively implemented using textiles in the medium and high frequency ranges. For the low frequency range, which is especially important for rock and pop music, this task is much more difficult. Gerriets produces and sells the unique aQflex™/aQtube™ product line, in cooperation with the Danish acoustic company Flex Acoustics.

The patented aQtube™ absorber system allows for changing the acoustics of a room to fit any purpose.

For the first time the reverberation time can be adjusted to the multifunctional use between classical, 

unplugged or electronic music.

Technical Data

The absorbers can be temporarily mounted (aQtube™) on wires or permanently installed (aQflex™) on Gerriets tracks.

For stationary installation the variable ON/OFF system is recommended, for temporary installation the preinflated 

version is preferred.

The system is CE certified.

Meets the flame retardent classification DIN EN 1350-1 in the class B,s1-d0 and the US standard NFPA 701.

The system is very lightweighted and therefore suitable to be retrofitted onto existing ceiling constructions.

In the mobile version supplied with a 24V blower integrated in the screw cap, which guarantees a permanent 

ventilation of the mobile system.

The system for permanent installation includes absorbers, tracks, air supply system and control box.

Simple, wall mounted ON/OFF switch panel used for operation of system.

Air supply requires a 230 V single phase circuit.

The consumption of electricity is about 50 to 100 Watt while de-inflating.

Low power use of 10 Watt once absorbers are inflated.

Absorbers are connected via an air pipe-line and can be divided into two or more subsystems in order to achieve 

reverberation times in between extremes.

A sensor surveys the system at all times.

Any hypothetical malfunction is automatically observed.

Can be easily retrofitted in most existing halls without much installation work.

Absorbers in off position have almost no impact on reverberation but can be retracted to one side if necessary.

Teknisk info


Bredde 210cm
Farge Grå
